Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Value of a Mother

Once a week I babysit two little girls, ages 3 and 4. As a result of this arrangement, my 4 year old son ends playing a lot of "house." Sometimes they are mommy, daddy, big sister, and little brother (my 1 year old); sometimes they are all brothers and sisters; and sometimes they have bizarre mixtures of family roles. They get really into this activity by all giving themselves new names, jobs, etc. I'm trying to take the stance that this will NOT make my son more of a sissy, but will form in into a sensitive, caring man...at least I hope so.

The other day this foursome walked out of a bedroom looking quite forlorn. They had blankets wrapped around their heads like scarves, were each carrying one stuffed animal, and were pretending to cry. They were repeating over and over "We are so poor, we are sooooo poor."

I asked them why they were so poor, fully expecting some extravagant explanation about how they did not have any money to buy what they wanted.

Instead they said, "We are soooo poor, we don't have a mommy."

Well, there you go. For all the times we mothers feel like we don't know what we are doing, like we are the worst mother on the planet, and that we are ruining our kids forever, I guess we should remember that in our kids eyes, we are what makes them rich.

Blessings to all mothers! You are priceless.


Stephanie said...

I love it!! My day is so much brighter. What special words little voices speak.

Anonymous said...

Thats a beatiful story Sis. Trust me, your on the right track with the caring and more sensitive man idea :-)