Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bedtime Conversation

Last night I was doing the tucking in and bedtime prayer routine with my four year old. I was praying that he and his little brother would always have a great friendship. This is what unfolded after the prayer:

Him: "I will always be the big brother, right?"

Me: "Yes, you will."

Him: "Until I become a daddy."

Me: "Well, even when you become a daddy, you will be his big brother because you'll always be brothers and you'll always be older."

Him: "Really? Are you sure? I don't think so."

Me: "Yes, even when you grow up, get married and live in your own house, and be a daddy, you will still be his big brother."

Him: (with tears welling up) "But I don't ever want to move to my own house." (I knew this had to be coming some day...)

Me: "Oh, honey, it's okay, when you get older you will want to be a grown up and live somewhere else."

Him: (tears streaming rapidly) "But I'll never want to live somewhere else. I never will."

Me: (biting my tongue) "It's okay, sweetie, you won't have to live somewhere else until YOU want to, okay?"

Him: "Okay (sniff, sniff)"

I just wonder, will that come back to bite me 15-18 years from now??


Stephanie said...

I think you should video tape that!

Casey said...

As my brother lived at home until days before his 30th birthday--my dad might tell you that could, indeed, come back and bite you :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A sweet moment to be cherished! :)

Anonymous said...

That is so cute Sis. The things kids say