Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"Mean Mama"

The other day my friend Jamie wrote about being a "stupid mommy". Today I had one of those moments at my house.

We are having a bit of an issue with our oldest child being mean to our youngest child. I know every family deals with this, but it is driving me CRAZY! We have tried several disciplinary tactics, and some have worked for awhile. Then the effectiveness (or my consistency - I'm not sure which) fades and the problems get worse again.

Today I may have found something. I told the boys to come to the table for lunch, and sure enough, I see the hand of the older child reach out and grab the ankle of the younger child as he is walking on the wood floor. Down he goes - again. Granted, he wasn't really hurt, he got back up and headed for his booster seat because he loves to eat more than anything else in the world. But, it made me mad. So I immediately said to the older child, "Since you did that you will have to clean off the entire table after lunch (usually he just carries his plate to the sink - if I remember to ask him). I could tell through all of lunch that my son wasn't completely sure if I was serious about this.

Just in case, he made lunch drag out longer than ever before. When he finally finished, I told him to start bringing me all the dishes off the table. His jaw dropped (as much as a 4 year old's can) and he said, "really, everything?" I knew this was going to be good. "Yes."

As he carried the first plate he pouted a little bit. The second plate came with an emphatic, "I do not like this consequence." And by the third plate, he had a catchy rendition of a newly created song entitled "Mean Mama". Amazingly, through all of this, his whole attitude was not all that rotten; however, he made sure he reminded me again that this was not fun at all.

Score one for mom. I finally found something that caught his attention - and I didn't have to clean off the table for once. I'm thinking this may be my new favorite consequence. I think I'll wait awhile to tell him that when he is older, this will be a mere expectation on his job chart.


Casey said...

Good luck with that "on the chore chart," thing. It took my kids an entire hour to clean the kitchen this evening.

Anonymous said...

Glad you found something that works for now...the great thing is that, as parents, we never have to worry about completely losing our minds because our children make us use them too often to come up with stuff like this!! :)

SO great to see you yesterday! Let's plan on it again sometime before a year from now! :)