Thursday, October 16, 2008

So Far...Practical

7:00-8:30 - Work on Lesson Plans.

8:30 - Talk mom into going on a quick run to Walmart and Target run with me. One adult for each child is my kind of trip -- well, if the kids HAVE to go.

8:30-9:30 - Shower, feed the kids, get everyone ready, gather the stuff to take back, run out the door.

9:30-11:30 - Hit Target, Walmart, and JCPenney. Endured 2 yo screaming every time we left the toy aisle. Took back shoes (both places), bought three birthday presents, tried on two outfits and decided against both of them. My husband will be so proud.

11:30 - Receive call from my boss in KC at teacher convention. He has job-altering news about our accreditation process that we have already started. I'll spare you the details, but the result is WAY MORE WORK for me.

11:45-12:45 - Lunch at Chili's. Thanks mom!

1:30 - Back home, carry sleeping 2 yo to bed, unload van.

1:45-2:15 - Clean out my closet while playing checkers with the 5 yo. I love multi-tasking. The 5 yo doesn't think it's so great.

2:15 - Hear the 2 yo screaming "Poop, mama, I have poop here!" That is NEVER good. Those words cause me to run so fast I usually pull a muscle. It means he has pooped in his bed...or grandma's bed...or on the floor...or wherever he happens to be. I found him standing up on his bed with his pull-up and jeans around his ankles. Thank God he had jeans on - at least it was all contained this time.

2:30 - Finish checkers and closet. Get out Moon Sand for the kids. Remember that it is called moon sand for a reason -- that's exactly where that stuff should stay. When toy makers produce something called "House Sand", I'll reevaluate my opinion.

2:30-3:30 - Put away laundry, sweep up moon sand, and receive another call from my boss. Sweep up more moon sand.

3:30 - Retreat to the computer for some "me time." Can't figure out what to write about, so I evaluate my day. Get a little depressed and post anyway.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Sounds like a typical day at my house, except add screaming, whining and not going to bed on time. Congratulate yourself on accomplishing all that you accomplished! :)