Monday, October 27, 2008


This morning while I was putting on my make-up, I was reflecting on the fact that my son is now six years old. I was thinking about what I thought he would be like at age six, what responsibilities are appropriate for this age (like he instantly became more responsible overnight...I wish), and how he is growing up so fast. I was thinking about how it won't be long before mom becomes very uncool, he won't need me as much anymore, and I will have to fight for ranking in his life.

Then I hear my TWO YEAR OLD holler, "Mama!"

"What, honey?" I respond.

And he walks by the bathroom door, "Mama, I don't need you anymore, Mom."

I guess I will clock out now. My job here is done.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Holy cow -- what on earth are you going to do with all of your free time??!