Friday, October 3, 2008

Good Grief Moments

~My 5 year old is fascinated with bottle caps. Don't ask me why, but I'm sure 10 years from now his therapist will be able to explain it. We visit the lake frequently, which assures growth of the bottle cap collection. Budweiser...Bud name it, we have it. The other night I went to a nearby Christian school to present to their board of education. Two of the board members were kind enough to carry my stack of manuals out to the van when the meeting was over. And as I opened the van door, what was there on the floor for all to see? Yep, the latest additions to the collection. Nice.

~This afternoon my 2 yo tried to refuse to take a nap. At 3:00, I finally won. And at 5:00 I went in to wake him up since it was getting late. The good news: he was already awake. The bad news: There he stood on his bed, completely naked, with his pull-up in his hand, declaring "Look, I pooped!" Sure enough. A nice pile of poop and a little puddle of pee right there on his sheets. Good grief.

~The other day in algebra class, one of my students pulled out a stack of papers to turn in. He was at least five lessons behind, which was not making me an incredibly nice teacher. Much to my delight, they all looked finished. However, he quickly let me know that he couldn't turn any of them in. Apparently, the night before, his mom told him he couldn't go anywhere until his math was complete. So he headed up to his room and filled numbers in every blank and showed her his "completed" math assignment. Then he brought them to class and told me what happened. Because he thought I would be okay with this??? So help me, if either of my boys ever try this...

One can only wonder what tomorrow will bring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're posts always make me smile...