Thursday, May 29, 2008

Major Milestones Attempted

I had lofty goals for Memorial Day Weekend.
1. Build the fence.
2. Potty Train the 2 year old.
3. My son added a third - say good-bye to training wheels.

You already know how the fence thing turned out. Enough said.

The bike riding was the highlight of the weekend. Five minutes after the training wheels came off, I took this picture. Instant success and celebration. We officially said good-bye to the training wheels and moved on to bigger and better things.

Zero success with the potty training. Five minutes into potty training we were changing wet underwear. And again 20 minutes later...and 30 minutes later...and 15 minutes later. My friend calls it trick peeing. Whatever it's called, he does it - all the time. We officially said good-bye to the potty chair and moved on to bigger and better diapers.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Congrats on the bike! That is really huge.