Friday, May 9, 2008

Hesitant Husband

The other day my 2 year old ran up to my husband and said, "Mama is a nice girl." To which my husband replied, "Yes, she is. That's why I married her."

Completely clueless, the 2 year old then ran over to me and shouted, "I married you!"

Which led to my 5 year old asking me who he was going to marry. I told him I didn't know who he was going to marry, only God knew that.

He was a bit in awe that God would already know who he was going to "pick" (like he's picking apples at the grocery store...I think he thinks it's like that...). But he then launched into his plan. That's my boy, a man with a plan.

First he told me he wanted to marry his brother. Sweet, but we got that one cleared up right away.

Then he said, "I am going to pick someone who is really nice, someone who I get along with really well. I'm not sure if it will be someone I know already, or someone I will meet later. I think it will have to be someone around my age. Maybe not my exact age, but someone close. And she'll have to be a really nice girl (got that already...) and fun to be with."

Then he paused to think for a minute and said, "I think I might know her already, but I don't think I should pick one right away. I think it would be good to look around for awhile before I choose someone."

That's a relief.


Jamie said...

That's a lot of words all in a row. Oh my!

Stephanie said...

Now would be the time to start teaching the life lesson how LONG you should know somebody before picking them!

Abby Jones said...

I'm not sure that my mom knows I read the comments too :). It doesn't matter how long you know them!