Monday, May 12, 2008


I've been putting it off for days, but today I finally decided I had to make bread. Now let's set one thing straight here before I get a bunch of sassy comments about the fact that I make my own bread. I don't really like to make bread (or much else for that matter), it's not fun for me, it makes a mess, and I don't ever really know how it's going to turn out. I do it for one reason - the health benefit for my family. Well, that, and it tastes really good.

Today I had all my ingredients in and was getting to that frustrating part of knowing how much flour to add. Too sticky? Not enough? More? Too much? That's when I noticed my Kitchenaid sounded funny. The gears were making a weird sound, it started smelling really hot, and was that seriously smoke I saw?

I walked away and came back and sure enough, that corner of the kitchen had a nice hazy look to it. I stood there staring at it not sure what was causing me more frustration - the fact that my mixer may have just completely died, or the fact that I was now going to have to knead the dough by hand.

I actually did it, then checked "upper body workout" off my list for today, and decided that store bought bread is looking healthier every minute.

I was definitely born in the right century.

1 comment:

kranberry216 said...

Sara Lee is my best friend. Could we be more different? Maybe that's why the friendship works.