Monday, May 26, 2008

He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not....

He loves me. It's official. Not that I've ever questioned it. But after 11 years of marriage (this coming Saturday), I put him to a pretty big test this morning. My husband has been working on building a fence around our very large back yard. He has been fighting the weather, Lowe's to get the right supplies, more weather, and On Saturday he and his friend put together all of the posts and crossbars for the front of the fence and concreted the posts into the ground. Today was the day to put on the vertical slats to make it look like a real fence instead of a cattle fence.

I walked outside at 8:45 this morning. He had started putting up the vertical slats - on the inside of the fence. I politely told him that they were on the wrong side of the fence, fully expecting a "Good grief, what am I doing?...". No such luck. He wanted them on the inside. He wanted the inside of the fence to look the best because that's where we would be spending most of our time.

I disagreed - with a vengeance. A nice vengeance, but whole-hearted disagreement nonetheless. We discussed and debated it for awhile, and of course, our faithful helper friend drove in right at that moment. As he walked up I warned him we were having a little debate. "A friendly debate?" he questioned. Ummm....not really.

My loving husband stood there and basically let me decide the outcome. It was a "speak now or forever hold your peace" moment. I spoke. And they started taking the fence apart.

I assumed this meant taking off the slats he had just put on (about 12 or so) and nailing them on the other side. No big deal. Thirty minutes later I wandered slowly in that direction and realized that I was wrong. Big deal. They now had to take off every crossbar and every bracket on the entire fence, move the bracket, fasten it back on, and put the crossbar back in.

Serious guilt set in. But not enough to change my mind. By 11:00 they were finished with that process.

On this side.
Unfortunately, there is a section on the other side of the house just like this one.

Which would be where these two gentlemen are at this precise minute. I'm sure they are out there singing my praises and thanking God for the day they met me.

I have a feeling I may be paying for this one for a very long time.

But, I still hold to the fact that this all could have been avoided...and I said this as lovingly as possible...if he just would have asked me first!

I knew all would be okay when I walked out there an hour into demolitian and he said in a half loving, half disgusted voice, "You should NEVER have to wonder about how much I love you." Awwww....he's sweet even when he wants to throw his hammer at me.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

This just makes me laugh.