Monday, May 5, 2008

High Standards

5 year old: Why do I have to pick up all this by myself?

Me: Because you were mean to your brother, so you have to clean up his mess to show him that you love him.

5 year old: But he was mean to me too. He hit me.

Me: Yes, he did. But only after you blocked him from his toy, shoved him, and held him from getting what he wanted.

5 year old: But, mom, I'm only a kid.

Me: Yes, I realize that. But kids can understand that you need to be kind.

5 year old: But this is going to take forever!

Me: I hope it will help you remember to be kind to your brother.

5 year old: But mom....but...but...I can't be PERFECT!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

You rock.

Does this work for spouses too?

Alan: WHy do I have to grade all of your papers?

Me: Because you were mean to me about my cooking, and you need to show me that you love me.

Alan: But your cooking is bad. And there are 21 10-page memos here.

Me: Well you better get started then, and hopefully you'll remember to be nicer to me!
