Friday, September 21, 2007

My Wonder List

This was one of those "I've got nuthin'" blog weeks. The week seemed crazy busy with normal, everyday stuff, but nothing particularly blog-worthy. Either that, or I completely ran out of time each day so I didn't spend the much-needed brainpower, I'm not sure. But, there have been a few things I've wondered about this week, so I'll jot those down for today.

I've wondered...

Why my one year old can say "more cinnamon cereal," "want different hat", and "more marshmallows," but still calls a banana a "dana."

Why men can lose five pounds in three days, but it takes a woman at least three months.

Why at noon on Wednesday my husband and his father say they are sure they won't be in the fields until Saturday, but by 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday they say "there's a good chance we'll be back in tomorrow."

Why my 4 year old is obsessed with his poop - and isn't afraid to let everyone know about it. "Mommmmm! My poop is loose today!" Loose? What? And when it's not "loose" - "Mommmmm, guess what, my poop is strong again!!" Yes, you heard me right, "loose" and "strong".

Why I can discipline my children or be very frustrated with them, yet 5 minutes later they will still come running to me to solve all the world's problems. I love that.

Why 3 hours can go by so slow after naptime between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m., but three hours in the evening with your friends can go by so quickly.

Why it only took me 1 week to be addicted to reading people's blogs, but I can't ever seem to get addicted to cleaning or cooking!

Why I can't ever get a card sent on time! I have only sent 3 cards ON TIME this entire year. And all three were for the same day - September 10. Today is my brother's birthday. I bought the card a week ago, signed and sealed it three days ago, and where is it? On my kitchen counter.

Why I am so uptight about flying. Millions of people do it everyday - even across the ocean. So why does the thought of it about send me into a panic attack every time I think about it? I hate being a wimp.

Why I'm supposed to be packing for the lake and I'm still sitting in front of my computer! I sure wish I was one of those people who work better under pressure.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm going to be spending mine lounging in the sun, cruising around on the boat, and trying to keep little boys from drowning!


Anonymous said...

I've just been trying to catch up from the state fair and sickness running through the house, etc. I've been horrible at keeping in touch with anyone lately! Maybe we can visit sometime before the end of the year! :) haha

k said...

so many of these i could totally write myself!