Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fishing, Football, Farm Animals, and Freakishly Loud Music

What a night.

Our son has been begging to go fishing. He got a new fishing pole a couple of months ago and has been dying to break it in. So, finally, daddy agreed to take him. Daddy also thought this would be a fun family event for all to enjoy. This picture captured the one moment the the little one was actually sitting for more than 5 consecutive seconds. The look on my face about says it all.
The fish were not biting, so the next best thing was practicing casting the bait into the water.

It didn't take long for us to decide that there would be no fish caught on this evening. We went back up to the house for some football practice. We were actually amazed with the small amount of athletic talent that emerged.

Not to be outdone by big brother...
What occurred while we were playing football is only possible to comprehend if you have a good imagination. We were minding our own business in the front yard when we realized that the cows were mooing louder, and louder, and louder. Yes, cows again. What have I done to deserve this? I had not realized it up to this point, but we have 5 cows living on the east side of our property (I knew that part) and 2 cows living on the west side of our property. I'm not sure when the neighbors to the west thought they needed cows too. Tonight, all these cows decided they wanted to get to know one another a little better. They struck up quite the deafening conversation, and soon the 5 cows were sprinting up and down the fence line trying to figure out how to get to their new friends. The leader of the bunch actually tried to duck under the fence to get out. All this to say that it is official: my husband did a terrific job fixing the fence. Had he not, we would have been in the middle of a great stampede.

Oh, the life. It gets even better. In the middle of all this, our human (we think, anyway) neighbors across the way decide it is the right time for drum practice. By the sound of it, one of them must be forming a new rock band. This noise even makes the cows stop. At least there was some benefit to it.

I'm trying to remember now why we moved to the country. I think one of the reasons had something to do with peace and quiet??

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