Friday, September 7, 2007

Mr. Logical and Death

My friend and I take turns driving our children back and forth to preschool in another town. Today when she dropped off my four year old she declared that my 4 year old has an incredibly logical/analytical brain. "Hmmm...," I thought, "Is that good or bad?"

Many of his comments have led her to this conclusion, but today was especially funny to her. Apparently, on the way home her 4 year old had pretended to die in her seat. My friend and her other daughter were playing along..."Oh no, what happened to her? Oh, what are we going to do? Oh, she's gone forever..."

My child piped right up in all seriousness, "She is not really dead. She is just pretending. That's what we do when we play. Sometimes we pretend things that aren't real."

Really? Thanks, now we can all sleep better at night.

Then tonight we were on the way to dinner with grandma and grandpa. Grandma asked my 4 year old if he had told me about the baby kittens he and his little brother got to hold this weekend while staying at her house.

Him: "Oh yeah, I held the kitty very carefully."

Me: "That's great."

Grandma: "His little brother loved it too, only he had a little trouble holding the kittens."

Him: "Yeah, he just squeezed and squeezed those kitties. He squeezed their tails, then he squeezed their necks so tight."

Me: "Ouch. That doesn't sound good. We're going to have to teach him to be more careful."

Him: "Yeah, but it was really okay. It's not like they died or anything."

Good point. If only life could be that simple.

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