Friday, September 7, 2007

10 Things...Forgotten

I completely forgot it was Friday...until I started reading my friends' posts and realized that today is "10" day.

Ten reasons my brain is so fried that I forgot today was Friday:
  1. I still haven't recovered from last weekend. That is a serious sign that I am getting OLD.
  2. My 18 month old has a cold - which means his naps are short and he wakes up a lot at night.
  3. It stormed last night - for hours. Neither one of my boys sleep through storms anymore. The 4 year old is scared to death and I just think the little brother can't possibly dream of missing out on all that quality family time.
  4. The laundry has multiplied itself around here like little bunny rabbits. I'm not sure why, but I can't seem to crawl out from under the piles.
  5. I'm still adjusting to the new fall schedule. My son loves preschool, and I love it that he loves it, but it definitely puts a new outlook on our days.
  6. Monday was a holiday, so really today is still Thursday.
  7. I spent all of our money last weekend on my getaway and today was not payday.
  8. I think my children are scarred from me being gone last weekend. They are like little sheets of cling wrap.
  9. Grandma #1 is leaving in the morning for 10 days and Grandma #2 is leaving Monday for 4 days. Yes, I know how incredibly spoiled I am -- but the kids are going to feel like this is a very long time.
  10. I'm exercising more and my clothes feel tighter. This is severely irritating me.

Well, that was a positive, uplifting 10 list. I'm vowing right now to focus all week on 10 things I'm thankful for. At least I know what I'm writing about next Friday.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Perfect! Next week my top 10 is things that irritate me!