Tuesday, September 18, 2007


For those of you who read my blog yesterday, I'm happy to report that the day got much better after 5:20. You guessed it, that's when the other adult who lives in this house walked through the door. I'm not sure if my husband read my blog first, or if he could just tell that it had been a rough several hours, but last night he came to my rescue. After heading out to the farm to sit on the tractor for hours, he arrived back home within 20 minutes saying, "Daddy to the rescue!" I'm not sure if he was implying that our kids needed rescuing from me, but I'm not going to ponder that because he immediately told me the fields were too wet and that I could have the entire evening to scrapbook. My jaw hit the floor and I ran for my stuff before he could change his mind.

What followed was interesting. My husband and sons were putting together a puzzle on the floor. Apparently the side with the picture on it became too mundane for their Einstein brains, because I soon heard my dear spouse say to my 4 year old, "Do you want to make this a little more challenging?" They proceeded to flip the puzzle pieces over and put it together with only the gray side up. Who thinks like this?

And because that wasn't challenging enough, they decided to try to then flip the completed puzzle over all in one piece...

...which wasn't so successful. (It was, however, entertaining. The 1 year old kept running around the kitchen screaming "AGAIN! AGAIN! FALL DOWN AGAIN!!")

And because that wasn't difficult enough, their next step of "making it more challenging" was to put it together again, but starting in the center and working their way out to the edges.

Is there any chance my family is normal?
On second thought, why should I care, I got an entire evening off out of the deal.

1 comment:

k said...

what a lovely (& smart!) family you have! and such a nice husband to let you scrapbook all night. bliss.