Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Ten

Whew. I made it through my crazy week. Reading everyone's goals for 2008 has inspired me, so I'll jump on the bandwagon and write my list of self-improvements for the year.

1) Prayer - more of it, more often, more about others and less about me.
2) Weight - less of it = new clothes in my closet.
3) Water - I drink way less than healthy amounts each day so I'm on a mission to form a new habit. 21 days is all it takes, right?
4) Exercise - 2007 was better than any other year for this, but I have a ways to go yet.
5) Contentment in the area of material possessions - "I will be thankful for what I have. I will be thankful for what I have. I will be thankful for what I have."
6) Focus on others - My "to do" list too easily stands in the way of remembering to send cards, check in on others, and just get the focus off of myself. I want this to change!
7) Get creative - At the very least, work on catching up my kids' scrapbooks.
8) Budgeting - Somehow try to find a balance between having a positive attitude about it, living within our means, yet not letting my entire world revolve around it.
9) Make a big decision - job or no job? job or no job? It always comes around every year!
10) Give thanks more often - for my husband, my kids, my extended family, my friends, my church family and more.

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