Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bad, Bad Basement

Still not laughing about the basement. Also not walking because of the basement. Or driving.

Our basement is drying. The carpet people told us to slide 2x4's under the carpet to increase the air flow. We obeyed willingly.

Last night I raced downstairs to get my cell phone. I temporarily forgot there were big boards under the carpet. I hit the board at full speed. Unfortunately, my foot did not hit the board level. My ankle rolled, snapped, and sent me to the ground.

Two hours and and a wasted ER visit later, we found out it was not broken, just a bad sprain and some torn tendons.

Perspective, it's all about perspective. Isn't that what I said yesterday? Okay, so the weather was threatening our coveted trip to Illinois today. This cinched the deal. Canceled. At least now I don't have anything planned for the next five days that will get in the way of me not being mobile.


Jamie said...

I'm soooo sorry. BUMMER. But it does get you out of cooking, cleaning, exercising, lifting, and watching your kids I'm wondering...can I come over and snap my ankle in two?

Stephanie said...

What is up with you and ER visits? Sorry about your ankle and your trip.

Anonymous said...

Ah, man! It just gets worse and worse over there, doesn't it? Crud.

But enjoy some (forced) down time, if you can!

Anonymous said...

BAD basement. Are you cursing it and just wishing you'd never finished it? It will get better soon and you can start enjoying it I hope!!