Wednesday, March 25, 2009

W is for Wednesday

"W" is for...

  • WORDS OF WISDOM - Finger painting and a thumb-sucking child DO NOT MIX.

  • WORDS OF WARNING - From the 6 yo, "Where is my brother hiding? He better come out, 'cause I'm going to get my gun."
  • WORDS OF WOMEN - Here's one forward I actually kept!
  1. Keep learning.
  2. Enjoy the simple things.
  3. Laugh often, long, and loud.
  4. The tears happen.
  5. Surround yourself with people you love.
  6. Cherish your health.
  7. Don't take guilt trips.
  8. Tell people you love that you love them.
  9. Forgive the people who have made you cry.
  10. Keep your cheerful friends.

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

haha... that's funny...