Friday, March 6, 2009

Question of the Day

What do you get when you mix 1) a crazy three year old running at full speed, 2) concrete, and 3) crocs?


Disadvantage: The child refuses to bear any weight on it at all, resulting in me carrying him everywhere.

Advantage: I never have to wonder what he is getting into! The poor kid doesn't move much.


LR said...

Hey Rhonda! It's your long lost cousin Lorisa, here in Missouri. I just wanted to let you know I'm really enjoying your blog, I found it through Nikki...It's so fun to see your kids even thougt I don't think I've actually gotten to meet them in person! Isn't that sad!!! Anyways, it's nice to see how my long lost family that I never get to see anymore is doing, and I just wanted to say hi :) Sorry the little guy hurt his foot, but he sure has a pretty big grin on his face!!!

Emily said...

Aw shoot! Poor kid! How traumatic were the actual event and the fixing?