Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Wait is Over

Nearly three months ago my husband completed his firefighter training and took the daunting National Certification Test. They told him he should receive his results in the mail in about 21 days. A large envelope in the mailbox meant he had passed all components of the test. A small envelope meant - well, not such good news. That was June 7.

Beginning on June 28, the stop at the mailbox was filled with anticipation. Would the results be there? Would he pass? What if he didn't? Every day we would hope for a large envelope. And when the mailbox was opened and we didn't see one, we would pray that there would be NO results mixed in the small envelope mail pile.

The days went by. A couple of guys my husband works with said their results didn't come for 2 months. So, we waited some more.

Finally, last week he gave up being patient. He emailed his instructor to see if he had any idea when the test results would come. After a quick phone call to check, the instructor called him back. "Your results have been sitting in their office for weeks. They don't have your home address."

Oh, the agony that could have been avoided...The gray hairs we could have prevented...The TUMS that could have remained unchewed...The endless trips to the mailbox that could have been saved...

But it's all good now, because the big envelope finally arrived. Full of certificates and patches that prove that he is officially a firefighter and a hazardous materials specialist.

And what does that get him?

A pay raise? No.
Different responsibilities? Nope.
A promotion? Notta.
Tenure? No such thing.
Saved from the embarrassment of having to tell the crew he didn't pass? ABSOLUTELY.

Congratulations to the man who I'm sure will be mortified that I wrote this! I'm so proud of you!

1 comment:

Casey said...

Well, if you actually 'fess up and tell him you wrote it, tell him "Congratulations" from us!