Thursday, August 14, 2008


35 minutes ago I tucked my little one in for a nap. 10 minutes ago I heard him upstairs talking in his room. There is absolutely nothing positive that can come from him being awake for nearly half an hour without me knowing about it. So, I walk into his room to see what's going on.

Him: "I have poop on my finger."

Yes he did. And all over his hand too.

Him: "And it's on the wall too."

Sure enough. Right there. Big streaks.

Him: "I wanted to get it off my finger."

No kidding. It sorta worked.

Him: "And there's poop on my bed."

Great. Cause when the wall doesn't work, one should always try the bed next.

Him: "I dug in my diaper and got poop."

This must be my genius child. At least he's honest.


kranberry216 said...

Ugh. Better you than me! At least he's honest...I always tell my kids if they tell the truth that they won't be in trouble!

Jamie said...

You've got to be kidding me! It sounds like one of my kids. =)

Stephanie said...

It sounds like my brother. Who would CHASE me around the house with his poop. Which brother? The one you just got your laptop from!And HE is a genius (I think?!)