Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Playing Catch-Up

Life seems to be moving one step forward, two steps back. It's a bit overwhelming at the moment. Here's what I've been up to...

~I found out last week that I am returning to the classroom. The good news: one class, very part-time, only girls (Bible class), block schedule. The bad news: have to rewrite the curriculum, seven days until school starts.

~Last Friday my father's close friend passed away. I cannot remember a time when this man was not part of our lives. He and my dad went to high school together. They stood up for each other at their weddings. They worked together at the same company for nearly 35 years. Our family camped with his family practically every other weekend from April to October every year. He worked last Friday morning, went to lunch, drove back, and got out of his truck to walk back into the plant. He never made it. They found him on the ground in the parking lot. My husband was on the crew who responded to the call. He performed CPR on him, but it was too late. This morning we attended the funeral and said one final goodbye to a long-time family friend.

~Saturday was my 15 year class reunion. A part of me was dreading this event since I was in charge. I was a little nervous that too much time had passed and we would all stare at each other with nothing to say. Thankfully, I was wrong. We had a great evening together catching up and reminiscing years gone by.

~Monday I spent half the day at the doctor watching my 5 YO go through allergy testing. The verdict: allergic to cats, mulberry tree pollen, johnson grass, and a ton of mold spores. "Mold spores?", my non-allergy self innocently asked. "Tell me more about that." The doctor smiled that sympathetic smile and said, "Those are pretty much everywhere...crops, hay, grass, leaves...". Now I have to add one more thing to my to-do list: research allergies. That sounds like a party waiting to happen.

~Tomorrow we are having guests for dinner. Last November we had an amazing week in England. Amazing mostly because this wonderful couple took tons of time out of their busy lives to be our personal tour guides. Now they are in the states for six weeks and we get to see them again! I'm not sure we can reciprocate on the tour guide thing here in the wild and crazy midwest....maybe we can take them to see the world's largest ball of string.

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