Thursday, August 28, 2008

Taking a poll...

Here are a few things I've always wondered about...or need advice on...or just need ideas for.

1) Do you make your kids have a "rest" time even after they are past the point of taking naps? And if so, when does that end?

2) Do you tip your stylist? And if so, how do you know what an "appropriate" tip is?

3) Who tucks in the kids at your house?

4) What is one fun thing you are doing over Labor Day weekend?

5) Tonight when I was driving home, I had five things to ask...hmmm...I'll think of one...why does coffee taste so nasty?


Casey said...

1. No, but I should (have) and I regret that decision most days...

2. Yes--20% That way, when I am a bone-head and forget appointments, hopefully she lets me come back!

3. Brian does.

4. Hopefully NOT checking work email.

5. Coffee does NOT taste nasty!!:o)And it keeps my personality from being nasty...added bonus!

Emily said...

I'll take #5: Because it's water run through ground up beans that grow in dirt. And it tastes like it.

You're welcome.

Stephanie said...

1. No
2. I try and add a few extra bucks to my check.
3. Randy does because bedtime is during my walk.
4. 25th class reunion. I'm not sure if that's fun, however.
5. It's high time you grew up and acted like a big girl. It sounds so funny "Do you want to go and grab a cup of hot chocolate?"

Jamie said...

1. No, but bedtime is stinkin' early around here.

2. Yes, I round up to a nice number.

3. Daddy! Who else? It's not like they can tuck themselves in. =)

4. I'm leavin' on a jet plane.

5. lol!

kranberry216 said...

1. Depends on the day...and if I need a rest time.

2. My stylist is my husband's cousin, so we don't have to pay her, but I always pay her anyway. Does that count?

3. We both do. If we don't both do it, kids usually melt down. We even have to do a family hug.

4. This and that. My husband works all three days, so the kids and I have a variety of things cooked up.

5. You silly girl. But my coffee taste is quite uppity - I can really only stomach the fru-fru stuff from places like Starbucks!