Friday, February 15, 2008


This has been a crazy week. Here are 10 funny, interesting, or just plain weird conversations that have occured in my family.

1. My crazy youngest son tried to fill up a cup that was sitting on the side of the bathtub. He used a bucket to perform this task. Water went EVERYWHERE. As I was cleaning up the mess, I said, "what do you need to say to mommy for making this big mess?"

Him: "I forgive you."

2. I was on the phone one morning when I heard this same son waking up. I went in to his room, told my cousin to hang on for a second, and said, "Are you ready to wake up?"

Him: "No. Get off the phone."

Me: "I am talking to Charity. Do you want to get up?"

Him: "No. Get off the phone."

Me: "Do you want to stay in your crib until I'm off the phone?"

Him: "Uh - huh."

And he did. I talked for at least 7 more minutes while he laid there in silence.

3. From 5 year old to his 7 year old cousin...(while wearing matching shirts):

5 year old: We look like twins.

7 year old: Yeah. We're like brothers.

5 year old: Well, we are brothers, you know. We're brothers in Christ."

Wow. Never heard that out of him before.

4. While on the phone the other day (seeing a theme here), I realized I didn't know where my one year old was. I went around the house calling out his name. No answer, which is very strange for him. Suddenly, I hear:

Him: (softly) No.

Me: Where are you?

Him: No.

I find him hiding in the back of his brother's closet with a cough drop in his mouth.

Me: Were you hiding in here because you know you aren't supposed to have that?

Him: Uh-huh.

5. From one five year old to another 5 year old.

Him: Do you think God and Jesus are one or two?

Her: I don't know. Why?

Him: I think they are two separate people, but they are both in heaven, so it's okay.

6. My children must go to grandma's house way too much. On Wednesday night we walked into grandpa and grandma's at 7:30 p.m. My one year old shouts out, "Is breakfast ready yet?"

7. Here's a door you don't want your five year old to open:

"Mom, how is it possible for someone to have twins? How in the world would they have TWO babies in their tummy?"

8. And better yet:

"Mom, I heard someone say that they were done having kids. How does someone try not to have kids?"

9. But on more a more typical kid note...I guess my little guy is tired of his brother pushing him around. This morning my oldest was innocently climbing past the car seat to get into the van. The little guy reached out, hit his brother and said, "No. You stay away from me right now."

10. While eating breakfast this morning, the one year old looked at me and said, "What's the time?" He's ONE! Okay, so he's two tomorrow, but seriously, 'what's the time?'?!? I said, "8:17". He said, "Hmmm. Okay."

No wonder I'm tired.

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