Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm Learning More About Me

Just when I really think I know myself, I keep on learning more little tidbits about my personality that I probably should have already figured out. I've been overly busy lately with two big projects - of completely opposite natures.

Last month I was asked to serve as a "consultant" of sorts for the school I used to work at. When I was there several years ago I helped with the process of school accreditation - a multi-year, monstrous amounts of work kind of project. Now the school has a new administrator who has not been through this process. Re-accreditation is on the horizon, so, my phone rang. I said I would help, and this "consultant" role has turned into me leading a three day teacher in-service next week. I've been spending my time reading information, organizing material, and preparing to teach the staff everything they need to know about writing curriculum guides.

My other big project - getting ready for my son's first "kid" birthday party. He will be five this month, and now that he is in preschool, it seems that all his friends are having kid parties. I thought this would be no big deal, and I started thinking of ideas. Bowling? Swim party? Chuck E. Cheese Pizza? A few friends gave me advice - start small this year and invite the number of kids as the age of my child (5). So, I threw the more expensive party ideas out the window and decided to invite some of his friends over to our house. Little did I know, this would cause me so much stress. Now I have to clean my house (because of course I invited the moms too - that's the part I'm looking forward to most), figure out a food plan, make the goody bags, and plan party games. Ugh, party games, the bane of my existence. I'm hoping that the kids will run to my boys' rooms and just play like crazy while the moms sit around in awe of how well they are all getting along. But, just in case that doesn't happen, we have party games.

Which project would I rather be working on? That's easy, I would rather lead a 30 day teacher in-service than be in charge of any more kid parties. Next year we are going bowling, the year after that - Chuck E. Cheese. Next, I'll probably rent out a hotel swimming pool. It doesn't matter what it takes, as long as I don't have to find any more party games.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

It's really all about the goody bags. Just make sure they are super cool and you're good.