Sunday, October 21, 2007

I'm Going Back to Work...

...for three days. Tomorrow morning I will get up early with the professional people, rush around to get ready, load my van with all my needed supplies, and run out the door before anyone else in the house is out of bed. If I accomplish it all quietly enough, my husband will have to get the kids up and dressed, feed them breakfast, and get them to grandma's without me. Sounds delightful, doesn't it?

For the next three days I get to go back to school and work with my former colleagues (and some new ones whom I've never met) and laugh and talk and have fun and, oh yeah, lead teacher in-service.

For the next three days I get to speak like an adult all day long, have lunch without cutting up anyone else's food, and eat M&M's without sneaking around so the kids don't beg for any.

If you think I sound excited, you are absolutely right.

However, I also know that for the next three days no one will do any laundry, but everyone will keep making the clothes dirty. No one will do any dishes, but I bet my family will want to eat. I will also have no time to tackle the list of little things I've been wanting to do - like try to figure out where in the world my picture went that is supposed to be in that little box up there.

I also know that for the next three days I will miss my kids. I will wonder how things are going at grandma's house, if they are being good or not, or what cute new thing they just figured out that I didn't get to see.

Yes, the grass is always since I only have three days, I will enjoy every minute to its fullest. And I will try really hard to refrain from begging for my old job back.


Stephanie said...


k said...

how was it?
now i'm thinking about m&m's...
i have 2 videos that just disappeared. maybe they went somewhere w/ your picture.