Sunday, October 28, 2007

10 on Friday

I'm late...again. Oh, that phrase doesn't sound good. No, I'm not pregnant, I just can't seem to post "10 on Friday"...on Friday. I have a great excuse this time. Friday was my son's 5th birthday. And being the wonderful, loving, devoted mother that I am, I just couldn't bear to take 2 minutes away from him to spend my own time on the computer.

OK, the truth is, I was cleaning like crazy for his birthday party because the house was a disaster. Normally by Sunday, I would just let my top 10 list rest until next week, but I can't skip my son's birthday. That's just not nice.

Here are 10 random memorable facts of life with my 5 year old:
  • After nearly three years of trying for a baby, three miscarriages, and the loss of his twin (early in pregnancy), he was late. Days late. I was tired of waiting for a baby. It felt like an eternity, but after a week I coerced my doctor into inducing me. The hospital was already full for that Friday, so he told me he would induce me on Saturday morning under the following conditions:
  1. I arrive at the hospital at 5:00 a.m.
  2. I don't interrupt any exciting moments of the K-State game that afternoon.
  3. I deliver before his Saturday night date was supposed to begin.
  4. I wouldn't tell anyone that he did Saturday inductions. (oops, there went that one.)

Much to my doctor's delight, our baby entered the world at 1:51 p.m. My son and I are such a rule-followers.

  • He hated getting dirty when he was little. No walking barefoot in the grass or sand, no messy food, and absolutely no finger painting. When we tried to finger paint, he asked for a paintbrush. The payoff -- he mastered silverware at 15 months of age.
  • He talked really cute. One of his favorite toys was a bulldozer - he called it a "bulz-a-bozer." Also, unfortunately for him, the "sc" sound was a "p" sound when he spoke. When looking for his scoop, he ran around the house shouting, "Where's my poop? Where's my poop?"
  • My son's favorite colors have always been green, yellow, and white. They have stuck for three years now. These seem like odd favorite colors to me. Then someone said maybe it's because he likes farm equipment (John Deere colors). That might explain it, except my husband's family refuses to be seen in John Deere farm equipment.
  • Sleep deprivation was never an issue with this little guy. I think he got up in the night a total of 7 times between the ages of 7 weeks and 3 years. Then he turned 4.
  • My son was never too happy with me working. Grandma was okay, but no other babysitter quite measured up. Just ask my friend Casey. He was worse than superglue. Superglue that cries for mommy.
  • He has a huge cowlick in the very same spot as his father and mother do. Only it's about 100 times bigger than ours combined and causes his hair to be forever standing straight up. It also seems to grow larger with each passing birthday and will soon take over his entire head.
  • My child is as logical and analytical as they come. He's been playing computer games for years, but can't figure out how to spit out the toothpaste when he's done brushing his teeth. What's up with that?
  • He has a hand blanket that I believe will go to college with him. He calls it his "hand" blanket because it used to have little handprints on it. They faded about 200 washings ago.
  • He has a sweet and gentle spirit. I love that he wants to cuddle in the morning, play hard all day, and rock with me in the chair before bed at night. I love you buddy!

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