Friday, October 12, 2007

10 on Friday

10 Things I've Tried That Didn't Work Out Like I Thought They Would:
  1. That new cough medicine I wrote about yesterday -- Nevermind, it isn't the miracle cure. I was up all night again. I deserve a big "I told you so" comment from at least one person.

  2. Running early in the morning -- I'm a cold weather wimp and saw way too many skunks. I'm in search of a new plan at least until next spring.

  3. Acne medicaitons -- Let's just say that my entire top ten list could be for this alone. I must have really ticked God off to be dealing with this (still) AND finding three white hairs on my head this month. He meant to write a commandment about this: "Thou shalt not have face issues and gray hair ever at the same time."

  4. Teaching my almost 5 year old how to spit out his toothpaste -- Anyone I ask tells me their kids just naturally knew how to spit. Even the dentist looked at me funny. My child has ASD (automatic spitting dysfunction).

  5. Making cinnamon rolls - They never turn out like my mothers or mother-in-laws.

  6. Staying on a daily house cleaning schedule--I'm still attempting this, but it definitely hasn't worked out all neat and tidy like I thought.

  7. Being a stay-at-home mom -- Some part-time job always keeps trying to find me.

  8. Having plants in my house -- I manage to kill even the plastic ones.

  9. Teaching 18 month-2 year old Sunday School -- I'm a trained educator for goodness sake. These little tykes were just a little too young for my teaching style.

  10. Buying a smaller size of jeans to motivate me to shrink into them -- yep, still hanging in the closet 6 months later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there...saw your comment on our blog and thought I should catch up on reading yours! Love your top 10s, gives us a lot of insight into your life! :) haha Hope everyone is feeling better soon! I need to email you about life here...there's more than what's on the blog! :) Take care and we'll talk soon. Have a good weekend!