Friday, October 5, 2007

10 on Friday

10 Things I've Done In This Life That I Never Thought I Would Do:

  1. Live outside of city limits - Didn't matter what city (or town), just thought I'd always stay inside the green population signs.

  2. Be an administrator in a school - technically this was only an interim "help, we're desperate" position, but I still did it!

  3. Experience infertility/miscarriages - I guess no one ever thinks they will have to do this.

  4. Adopt a child - I love it when something amazing happens that you never expected.

  5. Quit my job and stay home full time - Nope, not me, I was going to be a career woman all the way through.

  6. Experience a time of severe anxiety and depression - Again, not on anyone's list of "40 before 40."

  7. Build a house before the age of 30 - Not recommended at an early age due to $$$, but when it's all done (someday...), it will be worth it.

  8. Have emergency surgery.

  9. Want to throw my husband-t0-be (at the time) off a mountain - This was when he was trying to teach me how to snow ski. It may be more accurate to say that HE wanted to throw ME off the mountain, but the feeling was pretty mutual.

  10. Travel to a foreign country - I know, I haven't actually DONE this one yet, but I leave in 29 days. That has to count for something.

When I started this topic, I thought my list would be full of more "fun" things like ride in a hot air balloon, go snorkeling, etc. I soon realized I haven't done ANY of those kinds of things. I think it's time face the sad fact that I'm not very adventurous.

1 comment:

k said...

where are you going in 29 days?????