Friday, December 28, 2012

This Takes Sympathy to a Whole New Level

Yesterday we discovered these lego videos.  I can't even remember what our original reason was for being on you tube, but when my 6 year old saw lego videos, all other interests came to a screeching halt. 
I am always a bit leery to open a new video sight unseen in front of my kids.  Experience has taught me that even the most innocent "lego" looking video is not always appropriate from start to finish. 
Thankfully, these were fine.  They had us cracking up for a good long time.
If you have five minutes to spare, check out it out.  They rest of the post won't make any sense without it.

That video was watched at 11:00 a.m. yesterday.

Last night when I tucked in my little guy, he seemed kind of sad.  He's never too thrilled about having to go to bed, but this seemed a bit different. 

We prayed, I turned on his music, and then finally asked him what was wrong.

He sat up and with tears in his eyes (literally), he said this:

"I am sad.  I am sad for that lego guy who was shopping.  It's just not fair that he didn't get to buy any legos like he wanted to.  That makes me very sad for him.  They should have let him buy some legos."

I had absolutely no idea what to say.

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