Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I understand why some people do not make New Year's resolutions. If there is something in your life that needs improvement, why wait until January 1? And then there is that little issue of making resolutions that fall by the wayside in a few short weeks. So, really, what is the point?

Point or no point, I still do it. Every year. Just the other day I mentioned that I need to go back and read my New Year's post for 2009 to check on my progress. Honestly, I had no idea what resolutions I had even made for the year, which furthers the question of why I even make them. Regardless, I was sure to be depressed at what I did not accomplish from my list.

Then I read my list and burst out laughing. Thankfully, 2009 was the year of really low expectations. I had forgotten that at this point last year I was fairly stressed out with work and simply surviving the school year seemed like enough of a feat for me. This may be the first year ever I ended the year over 50%!

Here's how I did:

*I'm pretty sure I made it through January without forgetting all the birthdays and anniversaries. I didn't say I had to send everyone a card, just not forget them.

*Return from the all-family vacation to Branson in June with everyone still speaking to each other. - CHECK!

*Potty train the little guy. - CHECK!!!! HALLELUJAH.

*End the year weighing no more than I did this last summer. - FAILED.

*Have relatively happy, relatively healthy, relatively normal children the majority of the year. (It's all relative...) - CHECK? Other than H1N1, we survived ok.

*Make a concerted effort to unload everything from the vehicle that had been put in the vehicle during the course of the day. - HMMM....NOT ALWAYS, BUT I'M GONNA GO WITH 'CHECK' SINCE WE TRADED IN THE VAN. THIS IS MUCH EASIER WITH A CAR SINCE THERE IS NOT AS MUCH ROOM FOR JUNK.

And this year? Well, I am going to have to do something about the one I failed; therefore, it gets spot #1. Ugh.

So here is what I'll be up to this year:

1) Lose the weight I gained, plus a little more would be nice. My resolution is that this will not have to be a resolution next year.

2) Read the Bible in a year - chronologically. I've never tried it this way before.

I'm tossing around the idea of a few more, but I know if I make a list a mile long, I will not stick with any of them. So for now, this is it, and anything else is just icing on the cake. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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