Sunday, September 20, 2009

That Was Then, This Is Now

For the most part, I do not enjoy getting older. I'm only 34 and already my body is reacting in ways I'm not too impressed about.

There are a few things, however, that I do enjoy about this grown-up, responsible, adult life. Okay, there are truly many things I enjoy, but one especially jumped out at me today.

My brother's birthday is tomorrow, so today my mom and I met him for a day of birthday shopping. We had a great time, and it made me stop and think about how things used to be, say, 25-30 years ago.

Then....we would have fought who got to sit in the front seat.
Now....we offered to to each other. "You go ahead and sit in front." "You sure?" "Yeah, I'm fine back here." Wow. Back then you couldn't have paid us enough money to let the other one sit up front.

Then....we walked as far away from each other as possible, pretending we didn't know each other.
Now...we walked beside each other, and actually would have admitted to someone we were related.

Then....the child with the birthday would have gotten to choose. There probably still would have been a fight, and the choice would have been made not according to what the favorite place was, but which place would provide more torture for the sibling.
Now...the birthday boy "chooses," but that includes a couple of choices for us to discuss.

Then....we would have made fun of whatever clothes the other one picked out.
Now....we give honest opinions about what's good and what's not.

Then...we never would have purposely planned a shopping trip together.
Now...we arranged and rearranged to get it accomplished.

Great Day! Happy Birthday!