Saturday, September 26, 2009


If you haven't read yesterday's post, this one is not going to make any sense. Go ahead, I'll wait.

OK, so we have coaxed Dakota inside several times now. Each time she stands at the door whining like she wants in, yet refusing to step over the threshold. Personally, I know she's standing there thinking, "If I just stand here long enough, they will bring out the treats. If I run right back out the door after one, I will score a second."

She is right. It always takes two, and then the work begins.

Check out the results of this venture.

Two adults -- Check.

Calm dog -- Check.

Collar -- Check.

Leash -- Check.

We have not been able to get a collar on her for four weeks. We were pretty proud of ourselves, so my husband headed outside with her for a walk. Two seconds later he came back in with leash and collar in hand, but no dog. It seems as if the collar was not tight enough, and she ran right out of it. Grrr!

Back we went to square one. Door open, two dog treats....blah blah blah. I am, however, proud to report that she once again is wearing her collar (we'll see if it is still on in the morning). No leash or walk yet, because, really, we only have so much time in one day.


kranberry216 said...

Aww, look at you! On the floor with the dog...inside!! You are all making such wonderful progress!

carolyn said...

i love your dog! she's so sweet!!!