Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So Tired

Is it possible for a dog to get strep? 'Cause I'm sure she's next. It's either her or me, so I'm voting for the dog.

I don't want to complain, I know I should be so thankful (at least it's not H1N1), but I am so tired of hospitals, doctors, medicine, thermometers, pillows in the living room, and Madagascar on the TV.

Five days of fever. Three sick males. Two doctors appts. Positive strep test. Three sets of antibiotics. Kleenexes. Tylenol. Motrin. Madagascar for the 13th time. Did someone around here just have surgery? Oh yeah, that was me.

Nevermind. I guess I do want to complain.

I'm just SO.TIRED.

Note to self: Never blog at night. It's bad for positive mental health.

1 comment:

kranberry216 said...

OH NO!! I was wondering how you all were, and worried because it was so quiet. DO NOT let yourself get run down, or it will be VERY BAD. I can't believe they ALL have it! And Connor missed the first day of school?! I'm so sorry. Hang in there, you're on the backstretch.