Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Well, technically the first day was Tuesday, but I think they frown upon kids with strep entering the classroom. Even on the cherished first day.

I don't think he ever even realized he missed the first day. And hopefully by the time he is old enough to read this, he won't care anymore.

He is already a typical boy.

Me: How was your first day?

Him: Good.

Me: Did you have fun?

Him: Yes.

Me: Did you play with kids?

Him: Yes.

Me: What were their names?

Him: I don't know.

Me: What was your favorite part of the day?

Him: I don't know.

Me: What did you have for snack?

Him: Rotten apples. That was not good.


Emily said...

Rotten apples, huh? Budget cuts must be hitting your school too, I guess.

And oh my, he looks fabulously adorable!

Huxman Family said...

Those responses are definitely typical boy. I learned quickly to ask more exact questions to avoid answers of good, yes, I don't know. I'm smiling at the fun times you have in store ahead:)