Thursday, September 17, 2009

Random Thoughts

*My three year old is obsessed with the human body. Thankfully, not in the way you are probably thinking. He constantly wants to know what is going on inside the body...bones, muscles, blood, you name it, he likes it. At the doctor's office he stands fixated on the posters on the walls and asks, "What's that?" about every last detail. I can't pronounce 95% of the words, but luckily he hasn't figured out that I'm just faking my way through the answers. Today he came out of preschool with his newly created cardboard binoculars. His first words: "You have to be really careful with my new binoculars because they are made of cartilage!"

*Today my boys sat down to play Sorry together for the first time ever. They set up the board, put out the cards, and started a nice, quiet game. I was shocked at how well they got along -- for 12 whole minutes. Then the 3 year old wasn't listening, and the six year old started yelling, which brought on screaming. Kicking. Time-outs. Crying. Now I know why they named the game "Sorry."

*I dusted my bedroom today for the first time since surgery 4 weeks ago. It's very sad that it has been this long, it's not like the doctor gave me a dusting restriction. However, he did say to "listen to my body" when deciding what I could start doing post-surgery. My body said, "No cleaning."

*The big debate tonight: if sabertooth tigers are extinct. Oh good grief, I am way too tired for this.

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