Thursday, April 30, 2009

More Things I've Learned Lately

*Thousands of dollars of dental reconstruction might be easier than putting up with a 3 yo on thumb-sucking withdrawal.

*I am not pretty - physically, mentally, or socially - on 5 hours of sleep a night.

*My 6 yo doesn't have great pitch, but it is pretty cool to hear him walk around the house belting out "God, You Reign."

*There is no limit to the number of cookies high schoolers will eat in one morning.

*Garage Sales are still not my thing. We are piling up some stuff to sell, and I even have a few things I'd like to find on Saturday, but the whole process feels like a lot of stress and zero fun.

*No matter what might be bothering me at any given moment, there is always someone else who could use my encouragement more than hearing about my own selfish pity parties. If I would remember that more often, we would all benefit.

*The house just refuses to clean itself. I keep wishin', it keeps not happenin'.

*I do believe I am counting down the days left of school more than any student I have! I'm sure they would argue that, but it's definitely a close race.

*I have some of the best friends ever. This week I had some great conversations and priceless girl-time that helped me push through all the craziness. Thank you!

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