Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ABC's of the Past Week

A - Annual "Brother's Day" celebration at Chuck E. Cheese. When, oh when, will they ask to go somewhere else?

B - Basement clean-out weekend. When your father says, "Sure looks like this place could use some organization," that's a hint that it's really, really bad.

C - Chlorine pump on the water system broke again. It feels like we're showering in the swimming pool. But, my toilets sure smell clean!

D - Dusted the living room for the first time in weeks. It's very sad when your child asks what the fuzzy things are on the piano. Unfortunately, I'm not kidding.

E - Easter lunch and Easter egg hunt at grandma's at noon. Easter supper and Easter egg hunt at other grandma's in the evening. I still feel full. Ugh.

F - Four days of fever for the 6 yo.

G - Grandma and Grandpa made my black list for all the candy they sent home with us.

H - Hours and hours of prep for an accreditation meeting.

I - Irritated my children by making them help me clean.

J - Junk sale, errr, I mean garage sale preparations.

K - Killed any resemblance of a diet all week long.

L - Laughed hysterically when my 6 yo took one bite of the dessert my sister-in-law made and said, "This isn't the best there ever is." Tried so hard to correct him, but just couldn't keep a straight face.

M - Made Cherry Pepsi Jello. Yum!

N - Nine-and-a-half hour accreditation meeting on Thursday. I know I'm weird, but I loved it!

O - Overestimated my ability to get things done. The 'to do' list is still quite lengthy.

P - Planted flowers for the very first time ever. Luckily it has rained, so I haven't killed them yet.

Q - Quote from my 3 yo in church on Easter morning: "There is way too much music in here for me to talk!"

R - Rain, rain, go away. I want to be able to send my kids to the sandbox every day!

S - Set up and cleaned off the ping-pong table. It has been a storage table for junk for way too long.

T - Talked to an old college friend whom I haven't seen since our freshman year. Great to catch up.

U - Underestimated the consequences of the 3 yo having no nap on Easter. Lots of painful screaming followed.

V - Very long days. Very short nights.

W - Watched much of season 5 of Reba. I'm minorly addicted.

X - X is not a fun letter for show-and-tell. We spent way too much time this week thinking of something with x.

Y - Yelled for joy about having a three day weekend.

Z - Zero idea what to write for z. The week just wasn't all that exciting.


Stephanie said...

I am giving you an E for excellence.

carolyn said...

yay for reba! tee hee...