Friday, June 13, 2008

Yet Another Great Parenting Moment

This morning I stopped by a friend's house and while we were there she gave my boys bunny grahams in a little dixie cup. My 5 YO ate a couple of them and then decided to save the rest. My 2 YO ate over half his cupful before he moved on to bigger and better things (tormenting the cat). Shortly after that the 5 YO asked if he could have one from his brother's cup. "No," I said, "you still have a whole cupful. Those are his." Five minutes later he asked me again. And again I informed him, "No. Do not take his crackers."

A little while later I was talking to my friend and noticed something sneaky-looking out of the corner of my eye. So I asked my child, "Did you take a cracker out of your brother's cup?" After trying to dodge the question, he admitted that he did. We were about ready to leave, so I took the cups, sent him downstairs for his shoes, and told him we would talk about it in the van.

On the way home we talked about his choice...blah, blah, blah...and that his consequence would have been worse if he would have lied...and that he would have to give his brother back his cracker, and two more because of his bad choice.

His reply: "Oh good, because I took three out of his cup!"

Big sigh. "You took three? Well, now you'll have to give him even more."

His reply: "I know, I know, mom! I took three so I should give him six!"

Good idea. Thanks. Glad he is so remorseful for his actions. Next time I want to come up with a logical consequence for him, I'll just ask him first.

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