Monday, June 23, 2008

Pressing PAUSE On Life

The time has come once again when life as we know it ceases to exist and our world revolves around combines, wheat trucks, wheat fields, and the weather. This year we have added a few extra components to shake up the monotony of harvest: the emergency room, breathing treatments, Claratin, and steroids.

Saturday evening the kids dove into the harvest activities: combine rides, hauling the wheat to town, and playing in the wheat truck. Our son had not been in the truck even 30 minutes when he started coughing and sounding "not quite right". My sister-in-law (a nurse) listened to him and said we probably should get him home and do a breathing treatment. Huh? My child has no known allergies, no history of asthma, nothing.

I opted for grandma's (also a nurse - former emergency room manager) assistance over taking him home by myself. She listened to him, frowned, listened again, and thought we needed to take him in. I don't argue with medical people.

Three hours later we had been treated, x-rayed, and sent home with plenty of meds. I'm still a bit in shock that my son - who has experienced five harvests, plenty of combine rides, lots of time in the wheat, and LIVES in a wheat field - has suddenly developed an allergy? Technically, the verdict is still out on that since an official diagnosis can't be done in the ER, but something is definitely going on.

As soon as my pediatrician decides to return from his extensive vacation, we'll figure out what the plan of action is. In the mean time, I have a husband living in the fields, a 2 YO begging to go to the fields, and a 5 YO crying because he can't.

How many weeks until school starts?


kranberry216 said...

OH NO!!! That is NOT what you needed. I can't even believe it! What are you going to do?? You could always move back to town :)

Casey said...

I vote for that!! There's a house for sale on my corner!!