Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sometimes It Just Takes A Little...

....kick in the pants.

I am in a new Bible Study this summer.

It is hittin' me right where it hurts.

When I heard about this Bible study, I was torn.  I knew the leaders would be good.  I knew several friends who were going to do it.  I knew I probably SHOULD be there.  My brain kept saying, "I cannot do one more thing." 

I went anyway. 

I should have known by the title that this was going to be ugly.


That part sounded okay.  It was the sub-title that made me cringe.

"Reflecting the Heart of Christ in My Priorities."


I always have good intentions.  I know in my mind what my priorities are.  However, sometimes (often) I get way too caught up in things I love to do -- both on and off the job -- and I over-commit.  They are not bad things, most are even areas of ministry, but it's often too much.

So the Bible Study started something like this:

Priority #1 - A Heart Consumed with God

This sounded like a good place to start.  I honestly thought this section might be somewhat of a "review".

And then I started hearing things like...
*We assume too easily that we know God or love God.
*Do you love God more than you want your next breath?
*What does God see when He looks at my heart?
*Life is not all about me; it is about HIM. 
*Do I live like I know Him personally or like I know about Him distantly?
*Do I enjoy God, or do I do things just out of duty?

And that was just the first week. 

Next we ventured into Priority #2 - A Heart Prepared to Serve

Let's just say this one hurt a little bit, too.  I can sum it up pretty well with this quote from the study, "We plan our lives around the world and not around God, and wonder why our lives are mediocre."

I thought Priority #3 would give me a little reprieve.  It was "A Heart Devoted to My Husband".  I have no idea why I received such a blessing in this area, but my husband is amazing.  I was ready to coast for awhile...

...and then the subject of self-denial was presented.  Human beings as a whole (or at least Americans) struggle with this concept, and I am no exception.  John McArthur wrote a great piece on self-denial, but this sentence pretty much sums it up...."When you are content with any food, any offering, any clothes, any climate, any solitude, any society, any interruption by the will of God---That is dying to self."


And then there was today.

Priority #4:  A Heart Devoted to My Children.

I have pages of notes about the important role we play in the spiritual nurturing in our children's lives. 

It was all good stuff to think about.

More than "think about", it was all good stuff to be intentional about doing.

I left overwhelmed.

And rethinking my priorities.



Anonymous said...

Is this Kris Goertzen's study? I went through it several years ago! She is amazing!

~Kristin~ said...

HA! Is it a Kris Goertzen study? Because if so...I was just going to say...I would have loved to get in on this one, but drive to Mac every week? Was it in my own neighborhood and I had no idea?!

I need an in.

I need this too.