Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 6

We made it!

Short of throwing the children into the middle of the Columbia River (which is the Washington/Oregon state line), there was no spot to get a fabulous "Welcome to Oregon" picture.  We had big plans and high expectations for an arrival photo, but this is as good as it gets.

If you can't tell, they are jumping up and down for joy. 

I am kind of wishing we would have opted for throwing them in the river.

But what was even funnier was their uncle trying to get a picture of them and the amazing statue way up on the top of the building.  I am sure the people around us were wondering what in the world we were doing, but trust me, we saw stranger things than this during our time downtown.

A few days ago, this is where we were planning to watch fireworks.  It is down by the river and is beautiful.  People, people, everywhere!

However, due to some amazing family connections, we were BLESSED to have a 5th floor condo private balcony right over the river with this view. 

Let's just say this is how the other half lives.

It was F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C.

And a bit chilly!  I cannot remember the last time I watched fireworks in sweatshirts, but we weren't complaining.

As much as I love my home state, I have to say, Kansas fireworks may just never be the same after this.

Hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July!

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