Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Thoughts

After 13 years of marriage and three years of dating, I have finally come around to my husband's point of view on New Year's Resolutions. At least for this year.

His theory is that if there is something a person needs to change, he/she should not wait until a new year to get started.

I see his point, but there has always been something that I like about a "new start", "new goals", and "new possibilities".

Until this year. I'm just not feeling it.

It may have something to do with the blog reading I have done lately, especially my own. Of all the 'New Year's Resolutions' and 'Self-Improvement Goals', that I have made, I am not sure that I have fully accomplished even ONE of them.

That is just depressing. Especially when you consider that 2009 was the "Year of Lowered Expectations".

I've been thinking about any accomplishments I've made in the past several years. I'm pretty sure not one of them had to do with a New Year's Resolution.

So, that's it, no resolutions for me.

Sure, I have a few thoughts of things I would like to do. We'll see where they go.

In the mean time, I am looking forward to taking 2011 as it comes....moment by moment.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

kranberry216 said...

Adam said this year, instead of resolutions, he's going to find the thing in his life that causes the most anxiety and eliminate it. Bet you can't guess...