Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let's Celebrate?

All around me people are celebrating their achievements....starting bachelor's or master's programs, fitness and weight goals, and job successes to name a few.

So I've been thinking....

...what am I celebrating?

Here is what I have come up with:

*My children have had clean clothes to wear to school every day this month.

*The egg shells I just found on the counter are from earlier today and not 2 or 3 days ago.

*When I dropped the entire tray of veggies and dip in my car yesterday, only the veggies flew everywhere. The dip amazingly stayed in the container.

*I am nearing my 1.5 year anniversary of gaining 10 lbs. I can't pretend it didn't happen, so why not celebrate it? Chocolate anyone?

*I only had two meetings Monday night and two meetings last night. At least it's not three or four.....

* The spider webs in the corners of my bedroom are only visible if you lay on my bed and look at just the right angle, in just the right light. I feel fairly safe that no one else will be doing that. And, yes, I realize that I could have gotten rid of said spider web in the amount of time it took me to type these three sentences.

*I am home sick today. Why am I celebrating this? Because of all the days to feel cruddy, this one required no sub plans, no meeting cancelations, and only one dentist appt. to reschedule.

Go Me!!

1 comment:

kranberry216 said...

You crack me up! Here's something to celebrate - you're an awesome friend, great mom, loving wife, you're beautiful inside and out and always make me smile! FEEL BETTER!