Monday, November 23, 2009

First Day

He's been begging, we've been waiting, and then we caved.

Now we are hoping it is not just a passing stage.

Today was Piano Lesson #1. He LOVED it and cannot wait for next week.

He plays his new little songs really well. The singing....well...not so much.


Emily said...

Fantastic!! I'm trying to cultivate that kind of begging. I keep saying things like "Someday, when you're big enough, maybe you can learn to play the piano too." I'll report back in 5 years and let you know if my strategy works. Unless you have other suggestions between now and then??!

Huxman Family said...

My children never "loved it", so I think there is hope that it will continue and not be a phase. Glad he's enjoying it --- makes you feel you made a good decision:)

Sarah said...

Sam is asking for piano lessons for Christmas...we are trying to figure out if he really wants to learn or if it is just a phase...keep us posted on Zach :)