Sunday, November 8, 2009

Brain Overload

There are days when I am so thankful that I am alive in this day and age - modern conveniences, amazing technology, and endless choices and activities to pursue. But then there are days when I think I was born way too late. The list of goals that we are supposed to dream and achieve, and the "simple" programs to help a person accomplish these are overwhelming to say the least. As soon as I get started on one GREAT, LIFE-CHANGING, HEALTHY, IMPROVE-YOURSELF-AND-YOUR-FAMILY thing, something new comes along.

I really am not a band-wagon person. Okay, maybe on some things I am, but not compared to some people I know. Just ask my friends, I'm a balance-kind-of-girl. But I do like to try new things, especially if there is benefit for the health and welfare of me and my family.

Right now, the list of things to research seems endless. Overwhelming. Out-of-Control. Here are just a few of the latest and greatest topics that people are talking about.

Exercise - PX90, Boot Camp, the perfect balance of weights and aerobics, or just plain walking?

Healthy Cooking - all natural, whole wheat, high fiber, no refined sugar, no high fructose corn syrup, no preservatives, gluten!

Vaccinations - To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That is the question...Two trusted individuals in my life have extreme opposite opinions on this. Who am I kidding, there are way more than two.

Medications - Pharmacy or herbal? Man-made or all natural? And what is best for allergies? It's amazing how difficult the decision is when it goes into your child's body.

Education - Public school, private school, home school, charter schools, online it summer YET?

Grocery Shopping - Don't even get me started on the couponing thing. Advantages - $$ savings. Disadvantages - it takes a ton of time and is geared mostly toward processed foods. There's always a catch...

And in case you need one more thing, sign up at Fly Lady to learn how to Clean Your House. Just so you know how well this has worked for me, I have exactly 189 unopened emails from her in my Yahoo inbox.

One day at a time, one step at a time.

What I want to do is just put Pizza Rolls in the oven, grab a can of pop, sit on the couch, and let my kids watch TV.

But I won't.

At least not at 9:00 a.m.

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