Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Drawing a Blank

I'm having one of those lulls in the day. You know, when there is not enough time to really start anything, but too much time to let it completely go to waste. So, I sat down to write.


Boring. Nothing's going on. Don't get me wrong, after last week, I am basking in the glory of boring.

And in all honesty, this is a huge week. Meetings, meetings, work, chapel, meetings, but that is also boring.

My kitchen desperately needs some TLC. Do you want to see a picture of that?

My 3 yo is in his room pseudo-sleeping. He's sneaky that way - quiet enough that I don't run in there in a fit of rage, but just enough noise that I know he's not really asleep.

I bought a pair of jeans this weekend a size bigger than my other jeans. Gag. I'm blaming it on the fact that nearly every pair on the rack said "Stretch" on the tag. I'm not too fond of this stretch thing. Never mind the fact that I am losing the never-ending battle with the last five pounds I lost. And never mind the chocolate I am eating at this very moment.

Denial? What denial?

I am so tired I am nearly falling asleep on my computer. But I'm scared to allow myself to go to sleep for fear of not waking up for my haircut appointment. Which would be fairly traumatic since I am one step away from needing to pull out the 1980's hair scrunchies.

Better go get more chocolate.

1 comment:

carolyn said...

mmmmm.... chocolate... :)