Monday, October 26, 2009

Seven 7's for a Seventh Birthday

Seven Lists in Seven Categories that describe you on your 7th Birthday. Happy Birthday Buddy!

Favorite Foods
1. Pizza
2. Ice Cream
3. Cheeseburgers
4. Potato Chips
5. Tacos
6. Fruit Snacks
7. Dessert

Favorite Requests
1. Can I have just two more minutes?
2. What can I have for a snack?
3. When can I play on the computer?
4. Will you play a game with me?
5. Can I play the wii?
6. Can we go somewhere?
7. Can you get my brother out of here?

Favorite Places to Go
1. The Lake
2. The Park
3. Grandma's
4. The other Grandma's
5. Miniature Golfing
6. Illinois Trips
7. Any Hotel

Favorite Restaurants
1. Pizza Hut
2. Spangles
3. Quiznos
4. McDonalds (only if it has a Playplace)
5. Taco Bell
6. Chiles
7. Arbys

Favorite Activities
1. Torturing your brother
2. Eating Sugary foods
3. Sports - Baseball, Basketball, Soccer
4. Playing games
5. Building with Legos
6. Riding Your Bike
7. Computer/Wii Time

Favorite Complaints
1. "THAT'S what we're having for supper?"
2. "I don't want to take a bath."
3. "It can't be bedtime already."
4. "I don't want to lay down to rest."
5. "Stop repeating me."
6. "Why do I have to help with that?"
7. "WHAT?!?!?"

Favorite Movies
1. Ice Age 3
2. Madagascar 2
3. Bedtime Stories
4. Cars
5. High School Musical
6. Air Bud
7. Jungle Book

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Oh, wow!! You did a great job on this one. Happy Birthday to your 7 year old!!