Thursday, October 29, 2009

My husband is typically a much lighter sleeper than I am. More often than not, if the kids wake up in the night for some reason, he will hear them first. He is up and out of the room before I even realize what is going on.

Last night, however, my eyes popped wide open around 3:00 a.m. It was raining and thundering, and although my kids were still fast asleep, I figured it was only a matter of time.

Being the good wife that I am, I grabbed my pillow and headed to the boys' room. Thankfully, the boys are going through a "special bed" stage, which means they like to throw their blankets on the floor and camp out there together. I don't understand this, but at least there was an empty bed for me to climb into.

So I laid there, waiting for them to wake up, thinking we must have purchased the world's loudest gutters when we built our house.

And I laid there some more, listening to my three year old snore. Loudly. Throw in the thumb sucking noises and the kid was a one-man band. His future wife will need to be so caring, and patient, and above all....deaf.

Finally, at 5:30 I dragged myself out of bed. My gallant effort to be proactive was all in vain.

And I am exhausted.

Ironic that now I am off to drag my kids out of bed for school.

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